After all the theatrics have ended, after all the television analysts have dissected the GOP debate candidates’ performances, what do we actually have left to digest? After all the claims and counter claims of one particular night, what are the defining principles these five men continue to stand on? This often gets lost with each particular debate.Or, better said, if the primary season is a buffet, what are Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, Gov. John Kasich and Donald Trump serving you? Here’s some food for thought to chew on:U.S. Senator Ted Cruz: steak, potatoes and gravy, steamed broccoli, apple pie

  • He will bury Obamacare, President Obama’s illegal executive orders and the IRS.
  • He will support the investigations into Planned Parenthood’s alleged improprieties, of which there are many.
  • He will support Americans’ first liberty – religious freedom, under a withering attack from Democrats and the Left

Dr. Ben Carson: a balanced diet of heart-healthy food

  • He will use his gifted hands to heal an America suffering from “heart disease”.
  • He will use his brilliant skills as a problem solver to make the right decisions in the Oval Office on the national conditions worsened by bad socialist policy over the last several years.
  • He’ll demand federal agencies cut spending … or accept their resignations.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio: appetizers and angel food cake

  • He promises to deliver the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and corporations continued cheap labor through the amnesty policies that leave our southern border porous.
  • He will zing Donald Trump.

Governor John Kasich: diet pepsi and spam

  • He will bring jobs to Ohio.
  • He will not address the real problems gripping the nation.

Donald Trump: sauerkraut and liver

  • He’ll definitely name call those who oppose him and alienate many, leaving a bad taste.
  • He’ll wince every time television programs play video of him supporting single-payer, socialized health care.
  • He’ll finish the wall on the southern border.

We serve ourselves and our nation better by looking at one debate as just a piece of a greater pie. We’re considering who we may want to serve as our nation’s chief executive for the near four, possibly eight, years. We will do well to view the bigger picture, and to make it known what we want in the way of policy and leadership nutrition.When we look past the political theater dominating the news and get down to what matters most, we discern that Senator Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson have the most to offer. And they are thinking of you in what they want to accomplish in office.IMG_6762 


Voting for Cruz


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