I'm watching the Final Four on Saturday. March Madness is nearing an end.Time out. Michigan State's basketball coach needs to slow Duke's momentum and talk it over with his ball club. Reload on the chips and salsa and sit back for a couple minutes. Relax.

Here's the commercial message: it's a photo of two men ... with two small  children between them. Then the video rolls, showing ... one man seated feeding a baby bottled milk and ... the other man leans over and kisses the child on the forehead. The screen goes blue ... with a small print message: "we serve everyone ... Honey Maid." It's a perfect, idyllic family.

And that's not all. Later ...

Now there's a commercial showing an effeminate man in a convertible. He's wearing a white shirt, tie, and polka-dot underwear -- in a public place. In the next moment he is out of the car ... walking ... with a purse over his arm, just as women do.

And the message is:Corporate America is solidly lined up on the side of hedonism ... against people of faith ... against biblical values. Corporations are so afraid of the homosexual pressure groups that they're tripping over one another trying to show they are on the board with the homosexual agenda. Corporations like Nike, Honey Maid, Walmart, and countless others are exploiting the media-manufactured "crisis" of Indiana and the Left's attack on religious freedom.If it's big, if it's corporate ... it's on the wrong side of America's Christian heritage. Corporations are also afraid of protests, boycotts and militant homosexual activism. Homosexual pressure groups created a climate of fear among corporations and small business, and now their homophobia is prompting them to march along like good soldiers with the agenda.It's a form of corporate cultural smog. Author David Kupelian characterizes it as "The Marketing of Evil" in his 2005 book:

"Likewise, most of us mistakenly believe the 'abortion rights' and 'gay rights' movements were spontaneous, grassroots uprisings of neglected or persecuted minorities wanting to breathe free. Few people realize America was actually 'sold' on abortion thanks to an audacious public relations campaign that relied on fantastic lies and fabrications. Or that the 'gay rights' movement – which transformed America's former view of homosexuals as self-destructive human beings into their current status as victims and cultural heroes – faithfully followed an in-depth, phased plan laid out by professional Harvard-trained marketers.

Anyone who doesn't go along with the corporate homophobia, i.e. Brenda Eich (fired by Firefox for supporting California's Prop 8 marriage amendment) and other victims are viciously maligned and thrown overboard as if they were "Jim Crow" himself.We saw this in full bloom last year when the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and local media sheep went along lockstep with homosexual pressure groups to defeat a reasonable amendment to Arizona's religious protection law.Kupelian describes this phenomenon as "a program of unabashed propaganda, firmly grounded in long-established principles of marketing and advertising." Homosexual activists and their fearful accomplices in the corporate and media realms worked to force ...

Acceptance of homosexual culture into the mainstream, to silence opposition, and ultimately to convert American society.

This is happening before our very eyes. It's getting to the point where you can't watch a basketball game with your family and think you can escape the saturation of marketing. As far as the Honey Maid commercial, here's what is happening:

The activists and media are changing what people actually think and feel by breaking their current negative associations with our cause and replacing them with positive associations.

By using the term "gay rights," Kupelian writes, and persuading politicians and the media to adopt this terminology, activists seeking to transform America have framed the terms of the debate in their favor almost before the contest begins. (And in public relations warfare, he who frames the terms of the debate almost always wins. The abortion rights movement has prevailed in that war precisely because it succeeded, early on, in framing the debate as a question, not of abortion, but of choice. The abortion vanguard correctly anticipated that it would be far easier to defend an abstract, positive-sounding idea like choice than the unrestricted slaughter of unborn babies.)But what about rampant anonymous, disease-plagued homosexual behavior?

How do you sell middle America on those five hundred sex partners and weird sexual practices? Just don’t talk about it. Rather, look and act as normal as possible for the camera.

So what can you do?Resist. Stand strong in your faith. Speak up with courage, not just when the flash fires break out in Arizona and Indiana. Hold firm to your beliefs. The marketing of evil is evil, and it cannot stand the test of time. Pass this message to your family and friends and help them understand the lies and the deception being force-fed into the culture, creating cultural smog and marketing evil.


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