An Open Letter to the Judge Who Disenfranchised 1.2 Million Voters

An Open Letter to U.S. District Judge John Sedwick:I am one of the more than 1.2 million Arizonans who was disenfranchised last fall when you exceeded your authority and redefined marriage in our state. The nature of highly important issues like marriage is best left to the voice of their people or their elected representatives in the legislative branch. Arbitrary decisions like yours were never intended to be left to the judicial branch. You acted without the authority to do so.Here's how your regrettable decision will impact our communities:More children will grow up without their father. Fatherlessness has wrought a devastating effect on our society.More children will grow up without the nurturing care of their motherMore children will struggle in school.More children will grow up in confusion about themselves and their sexuality.More children will be subject to pornography. More of them will act out what they've seen, on other children.More children will be placed at higher risks of sexual assault and rape. They'll carry this trauma with them the rest of their lives.More adults will be subject to domestic violence. This will create a greater drain on public resources left to pick the pieces.There will be more divorce.Your actions will reward alcohol and drug abuse.There will be more STDs and AIDs in our Arizona communities traceable directly to your decision.And you can't have more drug and alcohol abuse and more disease without having more absenteeism in our work places.All of these claims are backed up by decades of social science research in peer reviewed scientific journals. If you doubt that, please scan The Arizona Conservative website or contact us for the data.Furthermore, you have seriously damaged the democratic process in Arizona. How many Arizonans will now be skeptical about engaging in the proposition process? How many more people are now left with an attitude that asks, "why should I bother to vote when a single judge can just throw my vote in the trash?"You may never realize the damage you have wrought. But as we wrote to you before: when you come to a gate in the road, stop and ponder why it was placed there in the first place before you remove it.Arizona, and America, need a strong marriage culture. It can't be strengthened by redefining it, as you did. Nor can you lightly brush off the disenfranchising of 1.2 million Arizonans who enacted a state constitutional marriage amendment with good intentions and for good reason.Thank you for your time and attention.Respectfully,The Arizona Conservative


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