Ducey Supports Congress for Examining Refugee Tide

Gov. Doug Ducey said of the efforts to bring refugees here from the Middle East ..."If ever there were a time to put politics aside, it's right now. With reports that even officials within the federal government have previously expressed concerns about the screening of refugees, it remains imperative that this issue be taken seriously and that our government put the security of the American people first."On Monday, I called on national leaders to act with urgency in protecting our homeland, and I am encouraged by efforts in Congress to pause refugee admissions from Syria and Iraq until we have a new standard of verification and assurances to the public."This legislation is a good first step, but it should not be a last step. It’s still important that states have greater oversight and authority in this process. I hope leaders on both sides of the aisle can come together and place the security of our nation before all else."


Reid and Obama Vow to Block Bill on Refugee Vetting


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