Iowa Caucus Miscount: Santorum Really Won

As reported by the Quad City Times, it appears that Rick Santorum defeated Mitt Romney in the Iowa Caucus last week:Mitt Romney’s razor-thin margin of victory in Iowa’s first-in-the-nation  precinct caucuses Tuesday has been called into dispute.A southern Iowa supporter of Texas Rep. Ron Paul has filed a notarized  statement claiming former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum is the real winner.  Edward L. True has informed the Republican Party of Iowa there was a 20-vote  error in the caucus results from Appanoose County.According to True, the number of votes Romney received from Washington Wells  Precinct in Appanoose County was inflated by 20 when recorded by the state  GOP.True said he helped count the votes and kept a record of the outcome to post  to the Ron Paul Facebook pages. He noticed the error when he looked at the state  GOP website.If his claim is accurate, then Santorum would be the winner with 30,007 votes  to 29,995, rather than 30,015, for Romney. 


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