McCain Bumbles in South Carolina

U.S. Senator John McCain is trying hard to support a presidential candidate in South Carolina ahead of the upcoming primary there. He just can’t always remember who he’s backing or who he’s talking about. In fact, McCain is becoming something of a “Black Sheep,” ala the Chris Farley movie character who kept embarrassing his brother who was campaigning for an election.

  • While visiting a peanut processing plant in Conway, S.C., today, McCain said: “Lindsey Graham and Jim DeMint have joined with me time and time again to go to the floor of the Senate to fight against the earmark, pork barrel corruption that goes on in Washington D.C. Earmarks are a gateway to corruption. I can tell you that neither Mitt Romney nor Rick Santorum share that view." Oops! Maybe McCain was more interested in munching on peanuts there. He should have said New Gingrich and Rick Santorum – not Romney and Santorum.
  • Yesterday in Charleston, McCain goofed when he said, “I am confident, with the backing of the American people, President Obama will turn this country around.”

Ouch!Maybe McCain’s daughter Megan can man a teleprompter to help dad remember he’s campaigning for Romney.


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