Victory for Human Life at Arizona Legislature

By Cathi Herrod, PresidentCenter for Arizona PolicyIt has been a big day for pro-life legislation at the Capitol today. A number of Center for Arizona Policy-supported bills were passed by the Legislature.The highlight of the day was when the state House passed HB 2036 by a 37-22-1 vote. This bill, called "The Mother's Health and Safety Act":

  • Prohibits abortion after 20 weeks because of the safety risks to the mother and the pain endured by the preborn child.
  • Ensures women have an ultrasound at least 24 hours prior to an abortion.
  • Establishes an informed consent website which details the facts about fetal development, risks of abortion, and services available.
  • Requires doctors performing surgical abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the abortion facility.

This bill will now be transmitted to Governor Brewer for her signature. She has until Monday to sign the bill.It is imperative the governor hears from you to support this bill! Take one minute to send her a quick message supporting HB 2036 and thanking her for her strong pro-life track record.A number of other pro-life, pro-family bills were passed by the Arizona Legislature this week:

  • HB 2627 -- removes abortion providers from the list of organizations that can qualify for the Working Poor Tax Credit. This bill is also on its way to Gov. Brewer for her signature.
  • SB 1359 -- prohibits so-called "wrongful life" lawsuits against medical professionals for misdiagnosing or not diagnosing a birth defect of a preborn child, which, if known, would have led to the child being aborted. This bill passed the House and is awaiting a final vote in the Senate before heading to Gov. Brewer.
  • SB 1009 -- requires that schools present childbirth and adoption as the preferable alternative over abortion. This bill is heading to Gov. Brewer for her signature as well.
  • HB 2774 -- affirms the religious liberty of churches by clarifying the statutes that exempt churches from property taxes. This bill has passed the Senate and is heading back to the House for a final vote before going to the governor's desk.



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