Obama Built That! An Administration Constructed on Lies

Peter Ferrarra, Director of Entitlement and Budget Policy at the Heartland Institute, explains just how Obama lied repeatedly in the debates and the Democrat world yawned through the lies. This piece appears on The American Spectator.It has come to the point where history will remember Obama as "the Liar President." We can see this in the debates. In the second debate, he told the American people with a straight face that he had confessed the very next day in the Rose Garden that the murder of the Libyan ambassador and four other Americans in Benghazi was a terrorist attack.Obama has repeatedly bragged that under his leadership America has increased production of oil and natural gas to record levels, while "we've cut our oil imports to the lowest level in two decades." But Romney pointed out that the oil and gas production gains had nothing to do with Obama's energy policies, which had aimed at just the opposite results. Those gains all came on state and local lands, where Obama's policies could not stop them.The real problem is not President Obama. It is his supporters and contributors who are willing to blindly support this dishonesty, after four years of accelerating decline and failure, which will only continue in the second term. Obama is Marxist royalty by heritage, born and bred. Check the public record. Under his leadership, the Democrat party has become a Marxist party as well. Is that what a majority of Americans want? Despite the lies, so well supported by the Democrat-controlled media, the American people seem to be waking from their dangerous slumber.Remember, Alinskyites are trained to lie and deceive. We've been watching this for a long as Obama has been in Washington. And we've been urging Americans to believe the opposite of what Obama says.Read the entire post in The Liar President


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