Two Kids With Down Syndrome Who Escaped Abortion Thank Pro-Life Congressmen Trent Franks

By Kurt Kondrich | Washington, DC | | 8/16/13Recently my beautiful daughter Chloe and her remarkable friend Alex who were born with a diagnosis of Down syndrome went to the US Capitol in Washington DC to meet with and thank two congressmen who are true pro-life champions.Chloe and Alex went to the offices of Congressman Christopher Smith (R-NJ) and Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ), and they showed their ABILITIES and what irreplaceable blessings children with Down syndrome are to a lost culture that has embraced“termination of life” as a “choice.”These two congressmen have an unwavering commitment to the sanctity and protection of our most precious, sacred national resource -– human life, and Chloe and Alex are members of a group of individuals who are prenatally being identified, targeted and eliminated at a 90 percent-plus rate while most of the country and world stands by in disturbing silence. Congressmen Smith and Franks fearlessly embrace and protect our most vulnerable children, and their legislative records clearly show their unwavering commitment to all life.During our visit we had the opportunity to pray with both congressmen, and you could honestly feel God’s presence in the room blessing the priceless work these two defenders of life engage in at our country’s capitol. Our “One Nation under God” will never prosper and receive God’s goodness until we stop the slaughter of our most defenseless citizens, and now more than ever it is critical that we in the pro-life community reach out and thank leaders like Congressmen Smith and Franks so they know they are not alone in this life and death struggle.People often ask me to slow down in my advocacy efforts for children like my daughter, and I tell them that until this silent eugenic movement against amazing kids like Chloe and Alex is stopped I will never rest. Chloe’s unconditional love, purity, and genuine perfection strengthen me each day to continue this mission, and I am forever grateful that there are elected leaders like ongressmen Smith and Franks who have made it their top priority to restore a culture of Life in this nation.


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