FLASHBACK! The Arizona Conservative Helps Drive the Pro-Abortion WISH List Out of the State

The Arizona Conservative celebrates its 10th anniversary November 1st. We're featuring some of the highlights from our first decade in these flashbacks. One of the greatest things we've accomplished is to help drive the state chapter of the WISH List out of Arizona. The WISH List is the notorious group -- Women In Senate and House -- which attempts to identify, recruit, train and fund pro-abortion women for elective offices. This is in direct violation of the Republican Party's pro-life platform. We vigorously advocated against WISH List candidates and we authored the resolution below, which was adopted unanimously by the Arizona Republican Assembly and forwarded to national and state Republican leaders:June 14, 2005Opposing recognition of the Pro-Abortion WISH List by the Republican National Committee and Arizona GOP The Arizona Republican Assembly calls upon the Republican National Committee and Arizona GOP to fully support the sanctity of life, the party’s pro-life platform, and exclude the pro-abortion WISH List from any and all official associations, alliances with and recognition by the Republican Party. Copies will be sent to the chairman of the RNC, Arizona GOP and Arizona’s Republican National Committeeman and National Committeewoman.


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