By Cathi Herrod, President, Center for Arizona PolicyGovernor Jan BrewerRepresentative Debbie LeskoSenator Nancy BartoSenator Kimberly YeeWhat do all these people have in common?They’re passionately pro-life and – to Planned Parenthood’s great frustration – they’re women!What’s more, these women represent only a small portion of the female pro-life leaders in Arizona.It’s what is so special about the pro-life movement in our state. These pro-life champions care just as much about the woman walking into an abortion clinic as they do about the reborn child. It’s why our state has passed so many common sense health and safety standards for abortion clinics.Sadly at every step along the way, the abortion industry, led by Planned Parenthood, has tried to block even the most basic rules.Case in point: consider yesterday’s hearing in the House Reform and Human Services committee. Up for debate was the CAP-supported HB 2284, the Women’s Health Protection Act, sponsored by Rep. Lesko. I consider it a privilege to be able to have testified in support of this critically needed legislation.Among other things, this bill would ensure abortion clinics are subject to the same inspections as every other medical facility in the state. Specifically, this would grant the epartment of Health the ability to inspect complaints at abortion clinics without being required to first warn the clinic.Most people would be shocked to know that abortion clinics have a special carve out like this – especially when abortion providers have such a terrible track record of harming women and preborn children (see: Dr. Kermit Gosnell).What I found most nonsensical about yesterday's hearing for HB 2284 was the double-speak.In one breath the president of Planned Parenthood testified that their organization cared for women. Yet in the very next breath, he stood opposed to protecting women from abusive practices at negligent abortion clinics.Make no mistake about it – Dr. Kermit Gosnell was allowed to practice in Pennsylvania for so long precisely because the state did not properly inspect abortion clinics due to pro-abortion politics.It’s imperative that we learn from this tragedy, and not allow hypocritical and dangerous politics to get in the way of our government fulfilling its most basic duty: protecting life.The sad reality is that as Arizona law stands today, our state values the safety of women at an abortion clinic less than the safety of men and women at every other health care institution.Thankfully, the Women’s Health Protection Act passed out of committee. There is still a long road ahead for this bill – and at some point, we may need your help by contacting your legislators in support of HB 2284. You can track the progress of this legislation using our Bill Tracker, and by “Liking” CAP on Facebook. Later today, we’ll post my testimony on our Facebook page.


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