If Governor Jan Brewer listens to reason ... she will sign Senate Bill 1062, providing better protection for religious freedom in Arizona.If she gives in to fear, intimidation, bullying, and propaganda, she will veto the bill and yield to the radical homosexual agenda.That agenda and religious freedom cannot coexist.If Brewer signs the bill, there had better be beefed-up security around Arizona because the left-wing extremists may raise a nasty ruckus. The state is watching them. This is their chance to improve their public image by behaving well and act with calm and decorum.Let's hope the governor exercises wisdom and signs this commonsense bill -- despite the intense pressure from the left-stream media and homosexual activists. This is a real chance for the governor to stop the corrosive impact of the left-wing on the culture.Warning: if you want fair and balanced coverage do not watch Channel 12 of Phoenix. They are in the tank for the anti-freedom Left.


Center for Arizona Policy: Opponents Vetoed a 'Bill' that Doesn't Exist


Alliance Defending Freedom: You Don't Forfeit Your Religious Freedom Outside Your Home