When Planned Parenthood Loses, Women Win

By Cathi Herrod, President, Center for Arizona PolicyWhen Planned Parenthood loses, women win. [The] decision by a federal court to deny a request by Arizona’s largest abortion provider to temporarily block a common sense health and safety standard is a victory for anyone who cares for the well-being of women.Passed in 2012, the purpose of this law is to ensure the abortion industry distributes the dangerous and deadly abortion pill in line with FDA protocol. While the FDA protocol requires the pill to be distributed within the first 49 days of a pregnancy, Planned Parenthood has dispensed the pill through 63 days of a pregnancy.With all the evidence that shows the abortion pill presents serious risks to the lives of women, it should be distributed with the utmost care. It is irresponsible for Planned Parenthood to persist in ignoring this protocol for a pill that is responsible for at least 14 deaths in the United States.Based on the fact that now the Fifth and Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals have rejected similar challenges to this law, and the Arizona Federal District Court has ruled that Planned Parenthood is not likely to succeed in this latest legal charade, I call on the abortion giant to drop their challenge. It would be shameful for Planned Parenthood to continue to waste state resources by pressing on with this frivolous lawsuit.Read the Court's decision.


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