Wendy Rogers: Sinema's Cheap Talk Doesn't Help Dying Vets

Wendy Rogers, Republican candidate for Congress, has issued the following statement:“Talk is cheap; unfortunately, the Phoenix VA Hospital's representative in Congress, Kyrsten Sinema, does not seem to get that.  The lives of men and women who bravely served our country are still being put in danger because Washington, DC, has become used to excuses and bureaucracy instead of action.”“Getting our veterans timely access to healthcare must be the top priority.  Steps can and must be taken to reduce the backlog.  The Phoenix VA needs to immediately hire 20 more primary care providers, and we should ensure this is given top priority and not buried under layers of red tape.  Veterans are dying as they await follow-up appointments, which is inexcusable.”"Not one of the Phoenix VA leadership team sounded the alarm as the situation worsened, and we must hold those responsible accountable for their actions.  The Phoenix VA system director must be fired, not just placed on leave,” continued Rogers.  “We must also learn exactly how big the backlog is and how extensive this ‘secret list’ has been.  To ensure complete transparency and to restore the public trust in the VA system, the results of the investigation and the steps being taken to fix this problem must be made public and posted online.”Wendy Rogers is a 5th-generation U.S. military officer, having retired as a Lt. Colonel from the U.S. Air Force.  She was one of the first 100 women to serve as pilots in the Air Force, and she has made defending our veterans’ access to healthcare, education, and jobs one of her top campaign priorities


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