We are proud to endorse Senator Ted Cruz for the highest office in the land -- the presidency. He is far and away the best American for the job.We are extremely impressed with Sen. Cruz's integrity, his leadership skills, his courage and his fortitude. None else match him in these crucial categories.We see a stronger, more civil America under the leadership of a President Cruz. The nightmares of the anti-American, socialist monstrosity that is the Obama presidency will be repaired by the Cruz Administration. Wrongs will be righted. We won't have to doubt or to suspect this administration of bad policy. We can rest assured the soul of America will be in good -- great -- hands with this fine American serving us.Let us pray that he succeeds. Let us pray that America wises up and rises up to throw off the shackles of the freedom-destroying, corrupt Obama Administration. Let us pray that Americans wisely reject the corrupt, socialist alternative to a presidential candidate who has our best intentions in mind and who will faithfully and honestly execute the office of the presidency to the best of his ability. A man with the right worldview and a healthy respect for our heritage and history of freedom. A true friend of the taxpayer and the most defenseless of Americans.


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