• A man with a career of corruption behind him.
  • A man who has disrespected and abused women.
  • Abuse of power: the Obama-Biden Administration illegally used the IRS to deny tax benefits to conservative organizations; they used the Department of Justice to attack law enforcement personnel who were working to prevent illegal aliens from entering the country; they shut down the work of and fired federal agents to monitor and prosecute terrorist cells in the U.S., also protecting organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood which are sworn enemies of the U.S.
  • Censorship
  • The removal of Second Amendment gun rights and home protection.
  • Gender confusion (people who've had sex change surgery are less happy than they were before).
  • Socialism: The rights of the individual are made secondary to the control of the collective; Vladimir Lenin said "The end game of socialism is communism."
  • Loss of freedom, including free speech and religious freedom.
  • Increased taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, which profits from the shedding of human blood.
  • Open borders, drug and human smuggling.
  • Voter fraud and voting by felons, illegal aliens and unregistered individuals.
  • Over regulation of small businesses, the backbone of America.
  • Prohibition of school choice.
  • A smaller, weaker military.
  • Obama II, a country that befriends and funds America's enemies while turning away from America's allies.
  • Civil unrest in the streets, i.e., Seattle and Portland.
  • Higher taxes.
  • Harmful laws based on non-existent, politically based global warming.
  • Criminalization of the conservative movement.
  • Confused men posing as "transgenders" in order to take the positions of females on girls and women's sports teams.
  • Continued attacks on America's founding ideals.
  • Damage to the public education system.
  • Expanded government health insurance, which does not guarantee medical care.
  • Sanctuary cities.
  • Judicial activism by judges who make law from the bench.
  • Radical individuals with access to the White House and the highest levels of government who cannot pass background checks.
  • Increased likelihood of terrorism on American and foreign soil. Democrats are very weak on terrorism.
  • Bigger government making the individual smaller and smaller.
  • A greater likelihood that America, "the home of the free and the land of the brave" will become a nation of one-party rule with opposition to Democrat policies outlawed.
  • A re-writing of U.S. history and the Constitution.
  • Cold-hearted Obama and Biden left four Americans to die in Benghazi.
  • Ruthless Obama and Biden are to blame for the death of a U.S. Border Patrolmen who was gunned down by the Mexican drug cartel, armed with guns given by the Obama Administration.

You will also be voting for a man whose health is failing, and who may have to relinquish his presidency to a vice president with even more radical views on important issues.


Trump -- The Choice For Native Americans


Raul Grijalva: Good Friend of Communists