CDC: Natural Immunity to Covid Not Our Concern
By: John Semmens
Persons who have contracted Covid and recovered would seem to be a relevant factor in determining the course of the current pandemic. For centuries it has been known that survivors of virulent diseases routinely acquire immunity to the pathogen. Serums derived from their blood have often been used to assist others to survive. Yet, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says it has not looked into this.
The CDC's information officer Roger Andoh admitted that “we don't have a single instance in which a survivor of covid was found to transmit the infection to another person. In our defense, though, we haven't been looking for one because it hasn't been part of our mandate to do so. Operation Warp Speed emphasized quickly developing a vaccine. Getting involved in alternate theories for battling the virus would be a time-consuming undertaking. This simply was never part of our job.”
“Our job was to get a vaccine produced and injected into as many people as possible as fast as we could,” Andoh asserted. “With the vast majority of American adults now being fully vaccinated it seems incontrovertible that we have succeeded at that job. Now that vaccinating children has been approved and the President's vaccination mandate has pressured the unvaccinated to get vaccinated or lose their jobs, our 100% vaccinated goal is within reach.”
In related news, Press Secretary Jen Psaki revealed that “snitches will play an important role in fulfilling the President's dream of a fully vaccinated population. OSHA doesn't have enough employees to enforce the mandate without the help of loyal Americans keeping an eye on their employers and calling OSHA if there is any failure to use the utmost of legally authorized coercion to encourage employees to get their jabs. We know that tattletales have a poor reputation in American culture, but we're hoping that will change given the seriousness of the covid threat.”