Mandatory Vaccination for Migrants Cancelled

By: John Semmens

After a brief show of treating illegal immigrants the same as Americans, the Biden Administration has abandoned its policy of mandatory covid vaccinations. “We tried telling them that they wouldn't be able to go anywhere in the United States without proof of vaccination, but the vast majority still refused to be injected,” said a Border Patrol official. “The practical thing is we have no leverage over them. We can't threaten their jobs because they have no jobs. We can't threaten to send them back because the President doesn't want them sent back. All we can do is put them on buses or planes and send them somewhere else.”

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas hastened to clarify that “it isn't just the practical difficulties that led to our course correction. There are also equity considerations. These people aren't American citizens. Who are we to boss them around and deny them free choices? One of the reasons they entered this country is to be free. The applicability of mandates like the one President Biden issued for all employers with more than 100 workers is questionable. Coercing citizens is a recognized authority of the President. Coercing foreigners is not. To be on the safe side and avoid being liable for damages it is best to just let them go where they want and do whatever they want.”

In related news, Mayorkas insisted that “the newly created Disinformation Governance Board will not infringe legitimate freedom of speech. There are clear boundaries between disinformation and genuine freedom of speech. Disinformation is speech that intends and attempts to discredit or oppose government policies and actions. Speech that intends or attempts to support government policies and actions is not disinformation and will not draw any punitive response from the Board against any person engaging in the activity.”


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