“Eff Joe Biden” Meme Disputed
By: John Semmens
The eruption of crowds chanting “Eff Joe Biden” that has been sweeping the nation at sporting events eventually confronted the President during his recent trip to Michigan where he praised the tyrannical Gov. Gretchen Whitmer as “the best governor in America.” Unsurprisingly, the President characterized this phenomenon as “false and misleading. Everyone knows that the people love me. Eighty-one million of them voted for me. That's more votes than any other president has ever gotten. The chants of a debunked minority cannot refute the series of accomplishments that I've rolled up since I took office.”
Recent polls cast some doubt on Biden's assertion that “the people love me.” In the Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Biden's job approval is at 43% and disapproval at 56%. Twenty-three percent “strongly approve” and 47% "strongly disapprove." This gives him a net approval index of minus 24%. The Quinnipiac University poll on specific issues shows disapproval rates of 50% for his response to covid, 55% for his handling of the economy, 58% for his performance as Commander-in-Chief, and 67% for his immigration policies.
Press Secretary Jen Psaki defended her boss by pointing out that “the Rasmussen poll also shows that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is viewed favorably by only 35% and unfavorably by 60%. She's doing worse with the voters than the President is. Just the other day, MSNBC anchorman Brian Williams laid blame for the President's plunging poll numbers where it belongs—on the 'really crappy reporting we've been doing in the media. We have a duty to protect the President from naysayers and critics, but haven't been as diligent as we should be in suppressing negative misinformation.'”
In related news, at a speech in Illinois, Biden bragged about “using my personal magnetism to help a good friend of mine cut in line ahead of others at a Pennsylvania hospital emergency room. I just called and said this is Joe Biden. You know, I grew up in Pennsylvania. I'd like you to do me a favor...I didn't even have to mention I am the President of the United States. This is just one more example of how I've been getting things done for the American people since I've been President.”