Whistleblower Suspended
By: John Semmens
Judi O’Malley, a registered nurse with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has been suspended from her duties while the agency investigates “actions that appear to conflict with the Department's essential mission.”
O’Malley is the nurse who recorded an undercover video at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center in Arizona exposing fraud and corruption regarding the COVID vaccine shots. The video prompted the Indian Medical Center to launch its own investigation.
HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra explained that “Ms. O'Malley's self-appointed mission to promote and advocate for informed consent, medical freedom and to expose corruption is not in her official job description. Employees of the Department are expected to hew to the tasks assigned to them by management. Her rogue exposé casts the Department and its policies in a bad light. Her criticism of our vaccination program and her advocacy of medical freedom are in direct conflict with the President of the United States objectives.”
Becerra also objected to Rep. Paul Gosar's (R-AZ) complaint that “we are engaged in a cover-up of the medical center's pressure on patients to not report adverse reactions to the COVID injections and not seek damages for injuries they've suffered. Mr. Gosar wouldn't even have known anything about this if Ms. O'Malley hadn't used underhanded methods to generate a video log of conversations that were meant to be private.”
“Our attorney is confident that her covertly obtained evidence will be thrown out just as Mr. Daleiden's covertly obtained recordings of Planned Parenthood's illegal sale of aborted baby parts were thrown out,” Becerra boasted. “Perhaps Ms. O'Malley is not aware that a jury ordered Mr. Daleiden to pay $2 million in damages to Planned Parenthood for invasion of privacy. Her personal crusade may cost her far more than just her job.”